Guidelines for News Releases


  • University Relations may be requested to create a news release and/or assist in creating a news release. Departments may also compose their own news release to be distributed by UR, which will be edited by UR before deployment.
  • UR manages media relations with local, regional and statewide news outlets. As such, a representative from UR will be listed as the primary media contact for all news releases. Some designated departments and commercial agencies may be authorized by UR to be listed as a media contact or distribute specific information to the media upon request.
  • Elements of a strong news release:
    • Strong headline
    • Compelling lead
    • Who, what, when, where, why, how
    • Consider: Who is your target audience?
    • Ask yourself: Why does this matter to my target audience?
    • Length: Shoot for a single page, no more than two
  • What makes a good story?
    • Newsworthy, not advertising
    • Relevant
    • Timely
    • Unique
    • Visuals:
      • If the desired media target is television, what can we show, and who can be interviewed on camera
      • If the target is print media, photos should be considered for sharing along with written content. 
      • News releases posted to the Inside UNI website require an image to be published.
  • News releases are earned media
    • Sending a news release does not guarantee coverage. We have no control over if/when it will appear, and we are not guaranteed editorial input. Guaranteed placement with editorial oversight is called advertising.
    • Earned media is free to distribute and can result in thousands of dollars of media value.
  • Availability for interviews
    • Quotes and contents of a news release may be picked up verbatim, but individuals should also be available to conduct additional interviews with reporters in a convenient time frame after news release distribution. If you are not willing to speak to a reporter, UR may decline distributing a news release.
    • Media interviews may be conducted in-person on or off campus, over audio/video chat such as Zoom, or over the phone.
  • UR determines the timing of news releases
    • University Relations manages a pipeline of information being distributed to the media and may distribute or hold news releases at its discretion to avoid news release fatigue.
  • When the media calls or arrives on-siteā€¦
    • University Relations maintains regular contact with members of the news media. 
    • As the primary media contact, University Relations will receive inquiries from the media to advance a news release. The UR representative will then coordinate with contacts in the college department to arrange logistics for an interview.
    • University Relations is not required to escort visiting members of the media, but an escort may be available upon request.
    • Members of the media may try to contact members of the UNI community directly. If you are contacted by the media, please alert University Relations for assistance. If you appear in a story, please alert University Relations for awareness.
  • For additional questions or feedback, contact University Relations.