Social Media Procedures

Creating an account

  • Departments and organizations must request University Relations (UR) approval prior to starting a new social media account or channel. A list of UNI social media accounts is maintained by University Relations.
  • Accounts not created with prior approval are subject to review and may be amended or removed. Violations of this policy may result in immediate suspension or deletion of the account.
  • Current cell and email contact info for responsible representative(s) for social media accounts should be provided to University Relations. When possible, the best practice is to have the account set up using a generic departmental UNI email not tied to an individual student or employee.
  • Use of TikTok: On December 13, 2022, Governor Kim Reynolds issued a directive to ban TikTok on all state-owned devices. Consistent with Governor Reynolds’ directive, the Iowa Board of Regents has directed all institutions under its jurisdiction to comply with the following:
    • Remove the software application TikTok from all electronic devices that are owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the institution.
    • Prevent the installation of the software application TikTok on any electronic device that is owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the institution.
    • Cease the creation, posting, and active management of content on all TikTok accounts owned or controlled by the institution.

This directive shall remain in effect continuously unless otherwise modified or rescinded by the President of the Board of Regents.

Visual Guidelines

  • All accounts representing the university or institutional department or organization will follow the branding guidelines and rules for using logos and marks set forth by UR. Content must follow the university guidelines as it refers to endorsements, FCC regulations and any other state or federal law.
  • Accounts created with a university email or accounts owned by an individual or group using the university logo or perceived to be representing the university or related to the university must adhere to this university policy regarding social media accounts.


Content Moderation

  • Departments and organizations must not delete comments posted on their social media platforms unless the comment includes profanity or potentially libelous or inflammatory information, imminent threat of harm to oneself or others, commercial advertisements, violations of university policy, state or federal laws, SPAM (as defined by federal regulations) or phishing. Posts threatening or endangering individuals or the campus in general must capture the message and contact UNI public safety immediately. If comments do fall under one of these areas, the comment should be deleted.
  • Views and comments from the public, including University of Northern Iowa students, on a university’s platform do not necessarily represent the views or standards of the institution.
  • Individuals who feel the university's guidelines on social media have been violated should contact UR. UR will investigate the concerns and determine if the guidelines have been violated. A determination that these guidelines have been violated will constitute grounds for the immediate removal of the messages in question.
  • An employee found in violation of these guidelines may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
  • A student or student organization found in violation of these guidelines will be referred to the student conduct process.

Crisis / Emergency Protocol

  • In the case of a campus crisis or other emergency, the official UNI social media channels maintained by UR will be the sole social channels providing official statements or information. Other channels (aside from UNI Public Safety) will be instructed to go dark (remain silent) in emergency situations at the direction of the Director of University Relations.