Guidelines for Student Organizations
Use of the University of Northern Iowa’s logos and other trademarks in conjunction with a student organization name or logo implies that there is an association with the university. Therefore, only those student organizations and student groups that are officially recognized by a UNI department and/or Northern Iowa Student Government are permitted to use University of Northern Iowa trademarks in conjunction with their name.
Branded House Student Organizations
Registered student organizations and/or university-affiliated groups whose main purpose is to advance the mission of the institution and whose main audience is prospective students, incoming students or new students must lock up under the institutional logo.

Branded House Student Organizations include:
- Panther Ambassadors
- International Student Promoters (ISP)
- Social and Behavioral Representatives (SABRS)
- Business Student Ambassadors (BSA)
- Teacher Education Ambassadors
- Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL)
If your student organization is in the Branded House, please reach out to University Relations for your logo.
Unique Student Organizations
Registered student organizations and/or university-affiliated groups who do not meet the Branded House Student Organization criteria can create their own logo but must abide by the following guidelines. Some brand guidelines related to visual identity have been updated for student orgs as of January 2023. Please see changes below and contact with questions.
- Can key/typeset "University of Northern Iowa" as long as the text is uniform in font, size, weight, color, etc. A small registration (®️) mark should be added at the end of the university name when doing so.
- Can key/typeset "UNI" as long as it’s part of a name/phrase (ex. UNI Knitting Club) and the text is uniform in font, size, weight, color, etc. (i.e. "UNI" should look the same as the rest of the text).
- Cannot key/typeset or use “UNI" as a standalone monogram.
- "University of Northern Iowa" and "UNI" (as part of a name/phrase) must be in purple, gold, white or black. Avoid black/gold, red/gold color combos in particular.
- Can include an approved university logo as long as it has appropriate clear space. Logos can be downloaded from For those student orgs that participate in competitions, travel and/or represent the university externally, inclusion of a university logo is strongly encouraged.
- Student orgs/clubs that may possibly be confused for a university department/organization/team should add "club" to their name when printing (ex. Men's Soccer Club or Accounting Club).
Student groups that have been using a university lockup should continue to do so.