
Color plays an active role in people’s lives. It attracts attention. It triggers emotions. Color can influence decisions and behaviors.

Consistent use of color supports visual cohesion across our communications, leverages emotional resonance with our brand and increases the impact of our storytelling.

CMYK vs. PMS vs. Hex

CMYK, PMS and Hex color values are meant for specific uses. Used improperly, these color systems can result in inaccurate color reproduction that degrades the UNI brand. To ensure your color values display correctly and are consistent with the UNI brand, be sure to always choose the appropriate color system for the intended use of your communication.

CMYK (Full- or Four-color Printing)

For nearly all print work, you will use the CMYK values listed below for the most accurate brand color reproduction.

PMS (Pantone Matching System)

PMS colors are also used in print work. They are based on the Pantone Matching System®, and used for spot-color applications such as specialty products, or printing with a spot in one-, two-, or five-color printing situations.

Hex (Digital Uses)

Hex values should only be used when reproducing brand colors for digital applications in RGB environments such as social media, digital signage or website design. Do not use RGB color for print reproduction.

Primary Colors

Our purple and gold are one of the most important parts of our visual identity. Not only do they help us stand apart from other institutions, but they are part of our campus culture. We wear these colors with pride, knowing their power in connecting us through our history, and into our future.

An important aspect of our brand, consistent use of color supports visual cohesion across our communications and leverages emotional resonance with our brand, increasing the impact of our storytelling.



Panther Purple

PMS 2607 C 
PMS 2607 U 
C 79 M 100 Y 0 K 15 
R 80 G 7 B 120 



PMS 7549 C 
PMS 7549 U 
C 0 M 27 Y 100 K 0 
R 255 G 181 B 0 







Secondary Colors

The secondary color palette is designed to provide creative flexibility. These options were intentionally selected as they are complimentary to our primary colors. Although the secondary palette exists to help create a variety of visual tones and expressions, colors should be used judiciously, strategically and in a fashion that continuously supports our primary purple and gold.




PMS 2573 C 
C 35 M 52 Y 0 K 0 
R 168 G 132 B 188 



Prexy's Pond

PMS 545 C 
C 21 M 2 Y 0 K 1 
R 198 G 218 B 231 




PMS 2695 C 
C 91 M 100 Y 8 K 59 
R 46 G 26 B 71 




PMS 663 C 
C 3 M 6 Y 0 K 2 
R 229 G 225 B 230 





PMS 7752 C 
C 2 M 13 Y 88 K 14 
R 207 G 176 B 35 



Old Gold

PMS 126 C 
C 11 M 31 Y 100 K 36 
R 154 G 118 B 17 




PMS 262 C 
C 58 M 92 Y 12 K 54 
R 81 G 40 B 79 





PMS 380 C 
C 18 M 0 Y 82 K 0 
R 219 G 228 B 66 




PMS 7416 C 
C 0 M 72 Y 70 K 0 
R 229 G 106 B 84 




PMS 7472 C 
C 54 M 0 Y 27 K 0 
R 92 G 184 B 178 



Spring Blossom

PMS 2582 C 
C 48 M 80 Y 0 K 0 
R 172 G 79 B 198 





C 16 M 11 Y 11 K 27 
R 167 G 168 B 170 


Color by Tone

As you begin to choose colors, it is important to identify the tone of the piece you are creating. To assist with this, our secondary color palette has been arranged into several palette suggestions to guide our campus community in utilizing color. Regardless of which palette you use, keep in mind that our primary colors, Panther Purple and Goldenrod, should always be the most prominent.


The vibrant color palette is used to persuade and excite; the audience could include prospective students, current students and parents.

vibrant color palette


A casual color palette is used to inform people and maintain a professional feel; works well for internal constituents such as staff and faculty audiences. 

casual color palette



Our formal color palette elevates and distinguishes the university. Audiences could include the community, media or Board of Regents.

formal color palette


The muted color palette is used to build affection and engagement among our familiar and loyal audiences such as donors, future or current alumni, our community and athletic fans.

muted color palette