
Seemingly subtle, the university typographic treatments can build both consistency and visual interest across our brand environment. UNI uses two primary typefaces and a secondary typeface to bring character, personality and expression to our work, all while reinforcing our brand identity.

Proxima Nova

Our primary sans-serif typeface is Proxima Nova. It combines the legibility of a clear, strong sans with the modernity of a newer geometric face. Performing well across print and digital platforms, Proxima Nova serves as a bold, versatile font option to create a wide-range of creative solutions.

Proxima Nova font

Proxima Nova Can be Used For:
  • Headlines
  • Subheads
  • Body text

Activate font through Adobe Typekit


Alternate Typeface
Proxima Nova is considered the primary sans-serif typeface for UNI. In the event that Proxima Nova is unavailable to you, please use the alternative typeface Arial


Bookmania is the primary serif typeface for UNI. It combines the sturdy elegance of the original Bookman Oldstyle with the energy of later Bookman designs. The broad range of weights make it ideal for both text and display use. It is classic and professional, serving as an ideal font choice for a broad range of creative projects in academia.

Bookmania font

Bookmania Can be Used For:
  • Headlines
  • Subheads
  • Body text

Activate font through Adobe Typekit


Alternate Typeface
Bookmania is considered the primary serif typeface for UNI. In the event that Bookmania is unavailable to you, please use the alternative typeface Georgia.

Blacker Pro Display

With its bold personality and distinct features, Blacker Pro Display was selected as a secondary typeface option for UNI. Balanced by its modern yet classic appearance, Blacker Pro Display will provide exciting and creative solutions for accent and graphical text treatments. As a secondary typeface it should only be used minimally and strategically, so as not to overwhelm the composition. Blacker Pro Display should never be used for body text.

Blacker Pro Display

Blacker Pro Display Can be Used For:
  • Headlines
  • Subheads
  • Call outs
  • Graphic text treatments

Purchase font online


Alternate Typeface
Blacker Pro Display is considered a supplementary wedge serif typeface for UNI and must be purchased for use. If you have limited need for this typeface, please use the alternative typeface Georgia.


Alternate Typeface Use

For applications when the primary typefaces are not available, please use the sans serif typeface Arial and the serif typeface Georgia.


When to Use Alternate Typefaces:
  • Email and email signatures
  • Google documents / Word documents
  • Google Slides / Powerpoint presentations